FY 2019 NOFA CoC Competition

Competition Timeline

08/16/2019 – 8/26/2019
All Applications due to TCHC
Applications should be entered directly into esnaps. Create a PDF export of your application and email to TCHC.
Review documents to submit in Policy and Procedure Document.
Review and Scoring
The HUD Collaborative Application and Grant Applications Selection Committee reviews, ranks, and scores all applications that meet the application threshold on the “Continuum of Care Renewal or Expansion Project Rating Form 2019”.
Public Announcement
TCHC will announce to all applicants if their application is going to be included in the CoC Consolidated Application Submission. If an application is not included in the CoC Consolidated Application a rejection letter will be emailed to the contact information for the Chairman of the Board and Executive Director.
Appeal Letters Due
Appeal letters, if any, are due.


Homeless Eligibility Documentation Opening Slide

Homeless Eligibility in CoC Programs

This guidance is specific to CoC funded RRH and TH/RRH program eligibility. “Intake workers” include housing program staff, case managers, outreach, etc. Intake workers are responsible for documenting a potential program participant’s homeless
status. Intake workers are expected to understand homeless eligibility and exercise professional
judgement to document accordingly.

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HUD FY 2019 Quick Links