Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP)
Total Care for the Homeless Coalition (TCHC) has been selected as a YHDP Community. The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) is an exciting new initiative designed to reduce the number of youth experiencing homelessness. The goal of the YHDP is to support selected communities, including rural, suburban, and urban areas across the United States, in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Additionally, HUD is committed to sharing that experience of YHDP communities and mobilizing communities around the country toward the same end.
Resources and Updates for YHDP

Coordinated Community Plan
Attached is the approved final TCHC Coordinated Community Plan
YHDP Ranking and Scoring Letter from YAB
Attached please find the ranking and scoring memo drafted from the YAB & CoC Ranking and scoring committee meeting submitted and approved by the TCHC board of Directors.
YHD RFP Addendum II
Due to the number of technical assistance requests, addendum II is issued to provide to alert applicants of a second time extension. Local CoC Deadline Extended to Friday, June 16,
YHDP RFP Addendum I
This addendum is to provide to alert applicants of questions and answers related to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) round 6, 2021 YHDP Competition. See the