2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity
The Fiscal Year FY2024 & FY2025 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) was published on July 31, 2024. Total Care for the Homeless Coalition has begun the local competition and process to develop the local Collaborative Application.
Background and Introduction
Total Care for the Homeless Coalition (TCHC) is the HUD designated Continuum of Care for the upper eastern region of South Carolina. The counties included in the CoC service area include Chesterfield, Clarendon, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Kershaw, Lee, Marlboro, Marion, Sumter, and Williamsburg.
HUD’s Continuum of Care Program Competition
Each year, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) makes available federal resources for homeless services to communities around the nation through its Continuum of Care Program Competition. CoC’s access these funds by completing a Consolidated Application on behalf of the local homeless service provider agencies. Any agency located in the CoC service area interested in applying for these funds must participate in local homeless planning efforts and TCHC’s local CoC Competition for funding. As such, it is the responsibility, annually, of the CoC to ensure that the best possible applications are submitted to HUD.
Purpose of this Page
- Publish the CoC Program Competition funding availability and local procedures;
- Make available the link to the FY 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO);
- Announce the availability of the Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus Funding;
- Publish project application due dates;
- Publicly notify that the links to the 2024 CoC New Project Rating Form and the 2024 Renewal or Expansion Project Rating form will be released in the upcoming weeks;
- Make available the CoC Operational Policy and Guidelines, this includes policies and procedures for the local competition process. Policies and Procedures for Renewal and New Grant Applications, Including Reallocated Funding can be found here: TCHC Ranking, Scoring, Reallocation, and Monitoring Policies
- There were no results found.
- There were no results found.