ESG Eligible Activities Virtual Binder
This Virtual Binder describes what eligible costs and activities can be funded with HUD Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program funds. The Virtual Binder is organized according to which program component they fall under, including Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Rapid Re-Housing (RRH), Homelessness Prevention, Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), and administrative activities. The Virtual Binder breaks down:
- What activities are eligible under the program component
- What persons are eligible to administer the activities
- Links to detailed guidance and related resources
ESG Program Components Virtual Binder
This Virtual Binder provides an introduction to the general provisions under each program component including the following:
- Eligible grantees and program participants
- Types and corresponding requirements for the services provided
- Eligible costs
Answers to commonly held questions, tips, and quizzes to test your knowledge are also included in the Eligible Activities and Program Components Virtual Binders.
What Are Virtual Binders?
The Virtual Binders are comprehensive, online training resources that make key information easily available to CoC- and ESG-funded program staff. Each Virtual Binder reflects a range of learning styles and offers a variety of ways to interact with the topics.
The Virtual Binders assist CoC and ESG recipients and subrecipients:
- Understand program regulations and requirements
- Position themselves to operate programs in full compliance of the CoC Interim Rule and the ESG Interim Rule
- Orient and train staff
Note: These resources are prepared by technical assistance providers and intended only to provide clarity to CoC and ESG grantees regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.
Who Should Use the Virtual Binders?
The following audiences may want to use the Virtual Binders:
- New staff: If you are a new recipient, new subrecipient, or new staff looking for an overview on a variety of topics, these binders are for you!
- Seasoned staff who need a refresher on program content: If you are looking for specific resources or programmatic information, check out the Virtual Binders Search page.
- Program directors, case managers, and agency finance staff: If you are looking for guidance on eligible activities or eligible populations, you will find all the Virtual Binder topics helpful.
Note: These resources are prepared by technical assistance providers and intended only to provide clarity to CoC and ESG grantees regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.
“At A Glance” Documents
There are also 26 At A Glance documents that provide concise guidance on key CoC Interim Rule topics. At A Glance documents are designed to be printed or shared as standalone tools to address specific questions and concerns.
SNAPS Mailing List Subscription
SNAPS is now using two different listservs to communicate competition and program updates:
- Subscribe to the listserv for information developed by HUD/SNAPS regarding the CoC program, ESG program, YHDP, Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) developed by SNAPS, and any other information related to SNAPS programs and the work to end homelessness.
- Subscribe to the HUD Exchange listserv for information and guidance produced by HUD technical assistance providers regarding SNAPS programs.
SNAPS grantees and interested stakeholders should consider subscribing both to the HUD Exchange mailing list and mailing lists. Please communicate this information to your homeless organizations, local government contacts, and other interested stakeholders.