In October 2021, HUD provided guidance regarding Request for Release of Funds (RROF) to Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) grantees via the Disaster Recovery and Special Issues Division (DRSI) Digest Volume 4. HUD initially requested all grantees subject to the HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS) submission requirement begin using HEROS no later than December 31, 2021. The Department, however, is providing additional time for grantees to gain access to the system and to receive additional training.
To assist grantees with the transition to HEROS, the Department created HEROS training materials:
HUD will issue guidance in a future Federal Register notice about when the requirement will go into effect. For now, grantees may submit RROF paperwork and supporting documentation to HUD via HEROS or by email to [email protected].