HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes is launching a Lead Safe Housing Rule Toolkit with sample forms, checklists, and flowcharts for HUD’s Lead Safe Housing Rule (24 CFR Part 35) to support healthy and lead safe homes.
These tools help practitioners to understand and comply with the federal lead rules. The Lead Safe Housing Rule applies to almost all federally-assisted, pre-1978 housing, while the Lead Disclosure Rule applies to almost all pre-1978 homes being sold or leased/rented, regardless of federal assistance. Practitioners will learn how to prepare to administer projects, implement key project tasks, and keep records for compliance.
The toolkit provides information and tools for topics including:
- Lead Rule Basics
- Project-Based Assistance
- Rehabilitation Assistance
- Acquisition, Leasing, Support Services, and Operations
- Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
- Lead Hazard Reduction
- Responding to a Child with an Elevated Blood Lead Level
Users can go through each topic linearly or use the side navigation bar to jump straight to the activity that applies to their program and access the tools.