Home modifications that increase safety and support in the home environment can promote independence and community participation. Effective home modification service delivery involves professionals and funding sources from the aging, disability, housing, and health care sectors.
In this Housing and Services Resource Center webinar on Thursday, June 9, 2022, from 2:00 – 3:00 PM EDT, attendees will learn about types of partners to engage in cross-sector collaboration for expanding access to home modification. Presenters will share first-hand experiences with establishing partnerships across the housing, aging, and disability sectors, including assistive technology. They will discuss how collaboration has helped them to meet the home modification needs of people with disabilities and older adults.
Resources for educating consumers and identifying home modification services and funding sources in each state will also be provided.
During this webinar, attendees will:
- Become familiar with the various professionals and agencies involved in home modification services and programs, funding sources, and how services are delivered
- Consider the potential partners in their states and communities that offer opportunities for collaboration
- Explore how partnerships can augment their programs and connect the people they serve to home modifications