HUD Issues Notice CPD-22-05: Guidance on Submitting Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plans for FY 2022

HUD Issues Notice CPD-22-05: Guidance on Submitting Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plans for FY 2022

This information was originally distributed via HUD Exchange is redistributing the information for awareness.

HUD has released Notice CPD-22-05: Guidance on Submitting Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plans for FY 2022.

The purpose of this Notice is to instruct all Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Housing Trust Fund (HTF), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) formula grantees on the timing of submission of FY 2022 Consolidated Plans and Action Plans. Grantees and HOME participating jurisdictions (PJs) should not submit their Plans until the actual grant amounts have been determined and announced by HUD. In addition, this Notice provides:

  1. Instructions to grantees/PJs under each of the above programs regarding the application of a waiver and CPD program flexibility to meet the consolidated planning citizen participation requirements for the submission of FY 2022 Consolidated Plans and Action Plans
  2. Instructions to grantees/PJs under each of these programs regarding costs incurred prior to execution of a grant agreement
  3. Information for Entitlement CDBG grantees and HOME PJs about waivers being made available to certain grantees/participating jurisdictions to assist in the implementation of the pre-award costs instructions

These provisions apply equally to grantees' 3-to 5-year Consolidated Plans as well as to annual Action Plans (either as a stand-alone document or as a component of the overall Consolidated Plan submission).