This information was originally distributed via HUD Exchange is redistributing the information for awareness.
HUD has released Notice CPD-22-06: Waivers and Alternative Requirements for the ESG Program Under the CARES Act (ESG-CV); Amendments and Clarifications.
This Notice makes changes to the waivers and alternative requirements that set March 31, 2022 as the deadline for expending 80 percent of each Emergency Solutions Grants – CARES Act (ESG-CV) grant and September 30, 2022 as the deadline for expending 100 percent of each ESG-CV grant. This Notice also includes a new waiver of housing stability case management limits as well as new waivers and alternative requirements specifying how recaptured ESG-CV funds will be reallocated and made available for immediate use in preventing, preparing for, and responding to individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance and supporting additional homeless assistance and homelessness prevention activities to mitigate the impacts created by coronavirus.
Unless expressly stated in the Notice, this Notice does not change any other currently applicable ESG-CV requirements or waivers. However, HUD reserves the right to reassess and make further changes to any waivers or alternative requirements established under this Notice, Notice CPD-21-08, or other HUD issuances, if HUD finds there has been a relevant change in the facts or legal authority supporting those waivers or alternative requirements.