HUD E-SNAPS Training: May 22, 2023 3PM
Local Training: May 25, 2023 2PM
DUE (EXTENSION) : June 13, 2023
The CoC is requesting applications from organizations that meet the goals and objectives articulated in the YHDP Comprehensive Community Plan and YHDP NOFO. All applicants interested in applying for funds through the local competition are encouraged to attend the HUD e-snaps meeting and YHDP Pre-Application meeting.
HUD e-snaps Training: May 23, 2023 at 3:00PM
HUD has scheduled a YHDP e-snaps project application training for Round 6 communities on May 23, 2023 from 3-4:30 pm Eastern. Both YHDP leads and potential project applicants should attend. This training will be recorded the and posted to the website.
The conference begins at 3:00 PM Eastern Time on May 23, 2023; you may join the conference 10 minutes prior. To join the conference, click: https://ems8.intellor.com/login/847770
Join the Webex event and follow the prompts to connect audio by computer or telephone. Webex Support: 888-793-6118
Local Training: Thursday May 25, 2023 at 2:00PM
The meeting will consist of a brief overview of the NOFO, the local competition timeline and process, and a question-and-answer period. Participants can join the virtual zoom meeting by following the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4946214139
Virtual Partnership Meet-Up: Tuesday May 30, 2023 @ 1pm
Those agencies looking to partner with other potential agencies can participate in a virtual meet-up and learn more about connecting with other Youth Serving Agencies. Participants can join the virtual zoom meeting by following the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4946214139
Local e-snaps Training June 1, 2023 (location and time TBD)
ECHO will host a YHDP e-snaps project application training for project applicants on June 1, 2023. Potential project applicants should attend.
- Agencies will be asked to submit their Request to Apply by June 8, 2023.
Email a copy of the project application exported from e-snaps ( do not submit application at this time) and the following documents to [email protected].
- Organization Policy and Procedure/Operational Manual
- Financial Policies and Procedures (if not included in the above-mentioned documents)
- Organizational Bylaws
- Board Roster – identify any board members that qualify as youth with lived experience.
- Organization’s most recent audit or financial statement.
- Questions: NOFO related questions should be submitted in writing to [email protected] by June 2, 2023.
- Technical Review and Rating/ Ranking. The Technical Review Committee will technically review applications and send their findings to the Youth Action Board (YAB) and HUD Grant Application Selection Committee, who will score and rank all submitted applications that meet the CoC Threshold requirements from June 13 – June 19. Requests for additional information from the YAB
- YAB & CoC Board Meeting. The YAB & CoC Board will hold a special Board Meetings between June 15, 2023 – June 22, 2023 to approve the Ranked Project listing presented by the YAB.
- Project Applicant Notification. Applicants that receive notification that their application is being included in the CoC Application to HUD will receive a written rating and ranking memorandum by June 23, 2023. The written communication will contain any revisions to the application the CoC Grant Technical Review Committee deemed necessary and any suggestions to strengthen the application. Thereafter, applicants will have the opportunity to revise and strengthen their applications based on the debrief. Only organizations selected for funding will be asked to submit their application in e-snaps.
- Revised Project Applications Due. Revised project applications must be submitted in e-snaps on or before June 28, 2023. Applicants are required to email the TCHC secretary for an e-snaps compliance review once completed. Do NOT Press Submit. Instead, create a PDF and email the TCHC secretary. Once reviewed for errors, TCHC will coordinate submission with the agency.
- Posting of Full Application. The CoC will post the full application, including the Collaborative Application, project applications, priority listing, and all attachments to the TCHC Website on July 1, 2023.