The latest versions of the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Monthly Performance Reports are now posted on the HUD Exchange. You may access them from the CDBG-DR Reports page.
CDBG-DR Monthly Reports as of September 1, 2021:
- 2008 Grants Targeted for Closeout
- CDBG-DR Affordable Rental Housing Expenditures
- Disaster Recovery Enhancement Fund Expenditures
- CDBG-DR Grant Expenditure Report
Due to the COVID-19 National Emergency, HUD has suspended publication of the Monthly CDBG-DR Grant Financial Report. HUD will continue to evaluate the impacts of the COVID-19 National Emergency on grantee expenditures to determine when it will be appropriate to resume publication of the Monthly CDBG-DR Grant Financial Report. In the interim, the public is encouraged to reference the Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System (DRGR) Public Data Portal to gather information regarding grantee expenditures and outcomes. Additionally, the CDBG-DR Grant Expenditure Report provides grantee expenditure data each month.