HUD Announces $52 Million in Reallocated ESG-CV Funding

HUD Announces $52 Million in Reallocated ESG-CV Funding 

This information was originally distributed via HUD Exchange is redistributing the information for awareness.

On August 23, 2022, HUD announced estimated reallocation amounts for 62 Emergency Solutions Grants Program CARES Act (ESG-CV) recipients totaling $52 million. Review Appendix 1 of Notice CPD-22-06 for information about the reallocation formula, recipient eligibility criteria, as well as minimum and maximum reallocation amounts.

View all Estimated ESG-CV Reallocation Amounts

Award Letters

The distribution of award letters notifying ESG recipients of their estimated reallocation amounts will begin immediately. As required by Notice CPD-22-06, recipients’ Authorized Official must confirm in writing within seven days (August 29, 2022) whether they are willing or unwilling to receive and use this additional funding. Send written confirmation to the applicable CARES Act Desk Officer, local HUD Field Office, and [email protected].

If any recipient fails to respond or is unwilling to accept the reallocated funds offered to them, the reallocation formula will be applied again to determine the final amounts to be reallocated.

Visit the HUD Exchange Disease Risks and Homelessness page for a full list of COVID-19 infectious disease prevention and response resources and information.

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