The revised Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Grant Inventory Worksheets (GIWs) for the FY 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition have been posted.
CoCs, recipients, Project Applicants, and stakeholders had an opportunity to review the initial GIWs posted on the CoC Program Competitions page on June 24, 2022. CoC Collaborative Applicants submitted GIW Change Forms to request revisions to the GIW. HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) completed its review of the GIW change requests to ensure all known eligible renewal projects are included and accurately captured on each CoC’s GIW.
The GIW calculates an Annual Renewal Amount (ARA) for each project, which is the sum of each project’s renewable budget line items (BLIs) (e.g., rental assistance, leasing, supportive services), and identifies the total renewal amount that a project may request in the FY 2022 CoC Program Competition.